There might be a lot of wedding talk going on in these next few posts
and a lot of wedding pictures.
I got my wedding pictures back this week
and my photographer Amanda Scott
did such an amazing job
I would not want anyone else.
book her now.
is her website please give her a visit.
I have had a lot of questions about my wedding
so I am going to post some here
cause there are a lot of the same questions
and they are coming from who look at my blog
so here is my apology for wedding vomit that is about to brace my blog
I know it's weird for me too
I didn't talk a whole lot about my wedding on the blog
it just happened that I got engaged while having a blog
but that's beside the point
if weddings give you the eebie jeebies
refrain from my blog for awhile
I'm sorry.
if you love weddings
your welcome.
Thanks for the sweet words and also the shout out on your post Makenna:)(let me know if you do make that pumpkin bread, it sounds so divine!)
I also love your blog and am looking forward to seeing your wedding pics, from what I have just seen here they look so lovely!
If grad school here is your dream, you should definitely pursue it when you can. It's pretty great so far (maybe not so great when homework starts coming my way) and if you do decide to start applying let me know if I can help you out!
this has nothing to do with this post.
I would just like to share a lil something sweet with you!
look at it.
judging by your wedding cake, i thought of you
Hhaha, love it! Yes, the grooms cake was one of my favorite things about my wedding. Gotta hand it to my husband who thought of it and his aunt who made it, they did a fantastic job.
Cute new header! Love your yellow shoes.
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